Everyone has a special animal that they hold dear to their heart. For some it might be a cat, or a horse, but for others it's a dog. No matter what animal is your favorite, we can all agree that animals are the perfect companions.
For me and my fellow dog lovers, these furry little cuties are all we have eyes for. From their excitement when seeing us to their stedfast loyalty, a dog is the only companion I'll ever truly need. On my best days, the worst, and each day in between, dogs have never failed to make my day even better than the moment before. I don't know what I would do without these adorable friends, and luckily, I never will need to find out.


Your dog is more than your pet. He is your best friend, companion, and protector. When he is not feeling well, the last thing you want to do is worry that there is something seriously wrong. Therefore, off you go to the veterinarian for a dog health diagnosis....
A trip to the vet's office should be something that is done routinely. The veterinarian will give you things to look out for and to check when you think your dog is sick. With trips the vet's office, your dog should have a few things done to him that are sure to keep him on the path to living out a healthy life.
There are a number of reasons your dog can become sick. While taking good care of your dog can decrease their risk, there are still some health issues that can occur. Taking steps to keep your dog healthy can minimize the incidence of issues like these. In addition, seeing your vet for routine wellness exams can help you discover health problems before they get out of control. Always watch your dog for any signs of illness. There are many health issues that can affect dogs. The following are among the most common.
Skin Issues-Many dogs experience a variety of skin issues. Itching and scratching are typical signs of skin issues in dogs.

Ear Infections-Ear infections often cause dogs to shake their heads and scratch their ears. Often, there is ear discharge or debris and the ears can have a bad odor.

Vomiting-There are so many reasons a dog can develop vomiting.Vomiting can be a sign of toxicity, gastrointestinal blockage or other serious diseases.

Diarrhea-Diarrhea may accompany vomiting or simply occur on its own. The potential causes of diarrhea are similar to those of vomiting.

Parasites-Parasites are everywhere in your dog's world. They may be external parasites, like fleas and ticks, or internal parasites like heartworms and intestinal worms.

Dental Disease...and many more!!


Choosing the perfect dog for your family isn’t always an easy choice. In a perfect world, any dog you picked would mesh perfectly with your lifestyle. Unfortunately for us, the world isn’t perfect. ...Dogs are like people: they can be lazy or hyperactive, big or small, neat or messy, grumpy or easy-going. If you’ve got a laid back family and you end up with a high energy dog, it’s going to cause some problems in the long run. Before you decide to get a dog, it’s a good idea to do a little research beforehand to find a breed that will fit in great with your family.
It’s important to know the size of each breed, as well as whether they’re safe with kids and other animals, and whether they’re high or low energy. Once you know all of that, you’ve got enough information to make the right choice!If you’re planning to get a pet soon, don’t forget to head on over to Chewy and buy a few things like food, treats, bed, toys and even a few clothes! Make your pet feel loved and right at home on its first few days with those few things!
If you have room for a large dog and you want to find one that would fit in great with your family, these breeds are some of the most popular:
Labrador Retriever
Golden Retriever
Bernese Mountain Dog
Scotch (Rough) Collie
Great Dane
Newfoundland...and many more!!


Bringing a new dog into your pack requires planning. Luckily, this is something that most people do—except maybe in the case of bringing in a stray off the street. Before you adopt the dog, you probably have at least a food and treats, bowls for food and water, a dog bed, a leash and collar, and maybe some toys....If you’ve been very conscientious, you’ve probably already arranged for the first vet appointment, and maybe you’ve even talked to the entire household to establish rules about the dog like who does the feeding and walking, where the dog is and isn’t allowed, and so on.
The big day comes when you pick up the dog. Everybody is excited and happy as you drive home, and you all come bounding up the walk, throw open the front door and let the dog off-leash and inside…
The process of bringing your new dog into the home for the first time should be very deliberate and specific. Here are the eight essential steps:

Remain Calm-When you pick the dog up, everyone must remain calm. It can be tempting to greet the new family member with excitement, but this is not the time to do it.

Take a long walk- When you get home, keep your dog on the leash, because you’re now going to go on a long walk through her new neighborhood. This serves two purposes: It will help drain her excess energy and bring her to a calm state, and it will get her used to the new smells, sights, and sounds.

Introduce your home- After the walk, keep your dog on the leash for a proper introduction to the new pack den—your house, apartment, condo, etc.

If you’ve gone through these steps, you will have claimed your territory, allowed your dog into it, and established who the Pack Leaders are.


it important to feed your pet a high quality food? It’s important because one definite way any pet owner can affect the longevity and quality of life for their pet is by providing the highest quality food they can. The quality of the food you feed makes a direct difference in your pet’s health.... Quality is the key word, quality of the ingredients that go into the making of the pet food you feed. The old saying “You are what you eat” applies to our pets in the same ways as it does for ourselves. Better quality foods made with better quality ingredients provide a better quality of life.
The result is fewer skin conditions, less itching, fewer ear infections, shinier coats, less inflammatory bowel disease, better muscling and muscle tone, stronger bones, more energy, better temperament and other immediate physical benefits of better nutrition. Dogs are happier and feel better overall. Better nutrition, provides an overall boost in the immune system and improved health over the long term with less stress on the pet’s organs. Feeding a higher quality food leads to a longer and healthier life for most pets, with lower veterinarian bills. The cost of the higher quality food over the life of the pet will be off-set by lower veterinarian bills and reduced risk of health issues that are a result of improper nutrition.
Whether you buy your dog food or make it yourself, your dog needs a balanced diet to stay healthy. That includes a mix of:
My recommendation to pet owners is to read the label and feed the highest quality food they can afford. They may not be able to feed just the very best, but by reading the labels and getting away from preservatives, by-products, chemicals and fillers they can make life just a little bit better for their pets.


As a dog owner, you want to know that you are taking proper care of your dog. This means learning about basic dog care and meeting your dog's essential needs to ensure its health and happiness. Proper nutrition, preventive veterinary care, health monitoring, grooming, a place to call its own, and plenty of exercise and affection will create an environment in which your dog can thrive. ... Properly caring for a dog begins with having the right perspective. Dog ownership should not be seen as a chore, but as an experience that enriches your life as well as that of your dog.
Like humans, dogs need food, water, and shelter to survive. Yet, they also need physical care, mental stimulation, and nurturing to thrive. Providing these things is an essential part of keeping your dog healthy and safe and sets the foundation for a long, happy life with your dog.
What You Care??
Feeding-Puppies should be fed a high-quality, brand-name puppy food . Please limit "people food," however, because it can result in vitamin and mineral imbalances, bone and teeth problems and may cause very picky eating habits and obesity.

Exercise- Dogs need exercise to burn calories, stimulate their minds, and stay healthy. Supervised fun and games will satisfy many of your pet's instinctual urges to dig, herd, chew, retrieve and chase.

Handling- To carry a puppy or small dog, place one hand under the dog's chest, with either your forearm or other hand supporting the hind legs and rump. Never attempt to lift or grab your puppy or small dog by the forelegs, tail or back of the neck.

Grooming-Help keep your dog clean and reduce shedding with frequent brushing. Check for fleas and ticks daily during warm weather. Most dogs don't need to be bathed more than a few times a year. Before bathing, comb or cut out all mats from the coat.

Time for exercise

Attention and affection to offer...and many more things to care about!!